As technology continues to surround our day-to-day lives, its possibilities become endless as it keeps bringing in advancements from here to there. What does it mean for us? What’s in it for us? Is it a good thing or a bad thing? When you come to think of it, a lot has been taken off our plate when machines and technology takes part in almost everything that we do now. From communication to transportation, even in our jobs, technology is that widespread. And today’s latest innovation would probably be automation and artificial intelligence (AI). AI continues to gain popularity as their abilities become evident. In particular, even in the restaurant industry, restaurant automation and robots have now started to become a thing! Let’s dive in and get to know more about these innovations and their implications.
Restaurant robots or sometimes referred to as server robots have started to gain traction as restaurants started launching them. For instance, a restaurant in Colorado is now using a server robot that takes customers’ orders and delivers food to tables. These restaurant robots are integrated with what we call a “point-of-sale system” or simply called the POS system. Nowadays, numerous advancements about this technology have also been launched and are continuously being developed. To name a few, here are some advancements that are being worked on:
1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Integration.
You’ve probably heard of this AI technology already. Simply put, it’s intelligence by robots and digital machines that mirrors the intelligence of our human minds. In restaurant robots, integrating AI can help them connect to customers more and carry out tasks that humans typically do. AI can enhance their capabilities wherein they can handle complex tasks, understand customer orders better, and even provide customers with personal recommendations based on the customers’ previous orders and preferences.
2. Autonomous Navigation.
Server robots are also capable of navigating the restaurant without the need for the staff to manually instruct them. Thanks to the integrated system being used, they are able to locate tables, the kitchen or whichever part of the restaurant they are assigned to go to. And they can avoid obstacles by moving and navigating the place like how a human person would.
3. Integration with Mobile Applications.
With the wide use of mobile applications nowadays by brands and businesses, the restaurant robots may also be integrated with these apps. It will be easier for the customers if they want to order ahead of time and it can also help with their meal preferences and payment. At the same time, connecting the robots to the app enables the accuracy of customer orders and reduces the time it takes to serve the food, resulting in a seamless dining experience for the customers.
4. Multilingual Capabilities.
With global tourism continuously rising, restaurant robots can be programmed to speak multiple languages. This is helpful when customers from different cultural backgrounds who speak different languages come to eat at the restaurant. Communication will be easier and customers will be satisfied with the service. Through this inclusivity, it can be an added value for diners. This also means that the restaurant can save time and money rather than having to scout for someone who can speak different languages.
And how can restaurant robots help? What are their advantages?
Seems like server robots are as promising as we once envisioned how technology can make our work easier. What else could these restaurant robots help with? And how can they add value to the customers that restaurants serve? Here’s a list of the possibilities and advantages that these new technology can give:
1. Enhance efficiency.
Restaurant robots can enhance the overall efficiency of a restaurant by helping with the workload. They are designed to help customers the moment they step inside the restaurant. They can take orders, deliver food and drinks, process payments, and help with cleaning up the tables. Lessening the workload by dispensing server robots can help the restaurant to focus on other important tasks like preparing the food and customer service. Eventually, this can lead to increased productivity and satisfied customers.
2. Improved accuracy.
It’s a common mistake for waiters or waitresses to mix up our food orders sometimes, especially when the restaurant is packed with hungry customers. But with a server robot, these errors can be reduced. They can take up the food orders and lower the chance of inaccuracy because these restaurant robots are programmed to be accurate with the information they take. These can also prevent the restaurant from incurring financial losses from incorrect customer orders leading to more satisfied customers who don’t have to worry about wrong orders.
3. Faster service.
Customers dining at the restaurant would appreciate it if they don’t have to wait longer for their food. And sometimes, there will be diners who are in a rush. If the restaurant isn’t able to attend to these customers quickly, it can lead to dissatisfied customers. However, this can be solved with restaurant robots as they can help speed up the service. Through their efficiency in taking and delivering orders, this will mean quicker response time to customer orders. And when the restaurant is able to respond quickly, this means less waiting time, satisfied customers that will want to dine again, and a success for the business.
4. Cost savings.
Although these restaurant robots may require initial costs, these are worth investing as they can reduce cost in the long run. Businesses in the restaurant industry may sometimes find that they need to reduce their expenses to keep the restaurant running and adjust to the changes in the market. But with server robots, they can save up on labor costs because hiring and training can get expensive especially in regions with higher labor costs.
5. Enhanced customer experience.
The idea of these restaurant robots serving customers is a relatively new set-up. This novelty may attract more customers and interest the public to try the futuristic vibe that a restaurant gives off. What’s more, with server robots being the efficient servers that they are means seamless dining experience, less hassle, and a pleasant service for customers. In turn, positive word-of-mouth reviews will be spread, leading to new customers and repeat visits from existing ones.
Now, as automation and AI are becoming more ideal for businesses and work, we’ll be expecting more of these in the next few years as the world we live in slowly adapts to them. However, it’s important to remember that human involvement is still crucial in some ways. There are certain things that will always require human interaction that robots may not be able to imitate yet like handling complex customer service and unexpected issues. That’s why it’s necessary to strike a balance between robots and humans for a personalized service that most customers will always seek for.
You might be interested to learn more about these restaurant robots. Check out our website RM Robot or contact us and get to know more about what we do and how we might be able to help you! Visit us at.